Holistic Health Coach, KAP facilitator & Reiki healer.

“For a life in full potential.”

I believe in a holistic view of health and wellness. Healing can take place when body, mind and spirit are in balance.

I have helped my body heal from various stomach issues and other bodily symptoms. I have also increased my overall mental wellbeing. It is a journey, and how long it takes usually depends on how long you have had the symptoms and if you are willing to make the changes needed. There are ways/tools to support your body and mind - so don´t gíve up.

I work with Holistic Health Coaching, KAP and Reiki, which I believe to be very good tools towards balance and healing.

I see health from a holistic view where body mind and spirit are all linked together. And if you have a blockage somewhere that can cause an imbalance. The body is usullay the part that ends up with “symptoms” when something is wrong. I can help you with all sorts of imbalances in your body such as stomach issues, hormonal imbalances, skin problems, fatigue etc (I don’t treat diseases, but we can still support the body).

KAP stands for Kundalini Activation Process and is a direct transmission of life force energy and non dual energy. It helps you come closer to your true self and let go of what is not serving you, like e.g.old energy blockages. Spontaneous movements, emotional releases, visions and bliss states can arise during a session. The important thing is not what happens during a class, but in between your sessions. A rewriting of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure. You “remember” how to live from a more true place.

Reiki is a gentle form of healing with roots in Japan. The ”Rei” stands for universal energy and the “Ki” stands for life force. It is a holistic healing energy form that finds its way to what needs healing in the body and activates and stimulates the body’s own capacity to heal.


  • No, you don’t need to have any previous experience from KAP or any other modalities.

  • Yes! But if you are pregnant in the 3rd trimester, have epilepsi or have had psychoses - we don’t recommend KAP.